Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shifter Q & A

This was on facebook today and I had to share. So This is a Q & A by Rachel Vincent the author of the Shifter series. The Q &A gives readers and fans a chance to ask questions directed at their favorite characters. This is what you get... (click on the pictures for the link to amazon)

Stray (Shifters Book 1)  Rogue (Shifters Book 2)  Pride (Shifters)  Prey (Shifters)  Shift (The Shifters, Book 5)  Alpha (Shifters Book 6)

Q1: Manx when will u say yes and marry Owen and how is baby DES??

Manx: I cannot answer a question that has not been asked. But I think he will ask. And then, I will answer.

Des is healthy and beautiful. He is sitting up now. And pulling hair. He smiles when Owen talks to him.

Q2: Jace, is there really any point in asking about the colour of your underwear when it's more likely you aren't wearing any?

Jace: You're right. That would be a pointless question. ;)

Q3: Faythe, who's the best kisser, Marc or Jace? I'd rather ask who's best on another level but I don't think I can say that here lol

Jace: How 'bout I answer that one...?

Q4: Marc, is there any part of you that is still not over the Faythe-Jace thing? 

Marc: I wake up with her every morning. That's all that matters now.

Q5: Owen, plan on popping the question to Manx anytime in the near future? We're all dying for a wedding...

Owen: Great! Now she's going to think it was *your* idea!

Q6: Kaci are you gunning for a chance at jace now?? You know 18 is not toooooooo far away ;)

Kaci: I'm spending spring break with his Pride. And I don't have to be 18. Faythe was only 16 when she and Marc first--

Faythe. Eighteen! You have to be eighteen.

Marc: Thirty.

Q: Faythe, do you have any regrets?

Faythe: Of course. I regret keeping secrets. I regret hurting people I love. I regret not killing Dean when I first had the chance. My dad was right about that. But changing anything I did then would mean potentially losing everything I have now.

Memory is bittersweet. Regrets and what-ifs are pointless. I look forward. And I keep walking.

Q: Michael, it is possible you could "infect" your wife [...] it seems an option so you could have children. Has that occured to either of you?

Michael: I would NEVER intentionally infect Holly. Ever

Q: Karen, you said your husband was your true love. If you you had the chance to be with your Live Wire again would you?

Karen: My live wire is still with his true love, and I wouldn't come between them for anything. Even if that were not true, I would rather live with Greg's memory than with anyone else in the world. I am where I belong, in the home he built, with the family we raised

Q 2 to Jace is a very nice thought. As he is one of my favorite characters. :D yaya for Jace...

So I love all the Q & A, they are good. I just wanted to share. ENJOY.


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