Q1: Harmony, do you blame Kaylee for Nash's addiction?
Harmony: No. I think there's enough blame to go around on that one, and I certainly bear my share. But pointing fingers helps nothing.
Q2: Levi, How did you become a reaper?
Levi: I died.
Q3: Sabine, what brought you to the high school that Nash and Kaylee goes to?
Sabine: *I* brought me there. You think I'd sit around and wait for that to happen on its own? Haven't you been paying attention?
Q4: Tod, will you ever tell nash [how you really died]?
Tod: There are many things I'd like to say to Nash--invisible eyes see a lot--but that isn't on the list.
Q: Nash, how much would you give to get [your memories of Kaylee] back?
Nash: I would give *anything* to get them back.
Tod: Too bad that's not an option...
Q5: Sabine, if [...] this whole situation were different, do you think that you might... even like [Kaylee]?
Sabine: I *do* like her. She's alive, isn't she?
Q6: Kaylee, Will you ever be able to forgive your dad completely?
Kalyee: For leaving? I already have. For family dinner Sundays? The jury's still out.
Q7: Brenden, will you ever tell Sophie how her mom died?
Brendon: I hope Sophie never finds out what really happened. She deserves better than that.
Q8: Nash, if you could go back in time, what would you change and why?
Nash: I wouldn't inhale.
Wow, Is it like really cool. I think that it is really good that readers get a chance to connect with the characters outside of the pages of the book. Just because a character doesn't not have a human body, dose not mean that they aren't real :D.
My family think it is weird when I talk to characters or as they think I talk to myself, If you read books you soon find you are never alone. You can create your own little worlds and different places. So I myself feel like I am never alone or with out amusment.
If you read a book once and think you have learnt everything that book has to offer your wrong, Read that book again and I bet you will learn something new.
So now I am going to work on a little project of mine, Making posters and a journal entry (in my twilight journals). So read another book and learn something new.
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