Q1: Manx when will u say yes and marry Owen and how is baby DES??
Manx: I cannot answer a question that has not been asked. But I think he will ask. And then, I will answer.
Des is healthy and beautiful. He is sitting up now. And pulling hair. He smiles when Owen talks to him.
Q2: Jace, is there really any point in asking about the colour of your underwear when it's more likely you aren't wearing any?
Jace: You're right. That would be a pointless question. ;)
Q3: Faythe, who's the best kisser, Marc or Jace? I'd rather ask who's best on another level but I don't think I can say that here lol
Jace: How 'bout I answer that one...?
Q4: Marc, is there any part of you that is still not over the Faythe-Jace thing?
Marc: I wake up with her every morning. That's all that matters now.
Q5: Owen, plan on popping the question to Manx anytime in the near future? We're all dying for a wedding...
Owen: Great! Now she's going to think it was *your* idea!
Q6: Kaci are you gunning for a chance at jace now?? You know 18 is not toooooooo far away ;)
Kaci: I'm spending spring break with his Pride. And I don't have to be 18. Faythe was only 16 when she and Marc first--
Faythe. Eighteen! You have to be eighteen.
Marc: Thirty.
Q: Faythe, do you have any regrets?
Faythe: Of course. I regret keeping secrets. I regret hurting people I love. I regret not killing Dean when I first had the chance. My dad was right about that. But changing anything I did then would mean potentially losing everything I have now.
Memory is bittersweet. Regrets and what-ifs are pointless. I look forward. And I keep walking.
Q: Michael, it is possible you could "infect" your wife [...] it seems an option so you could have children. Has that occured to either of you?
Michael: I would NEVER intentionally infect Holly. Ever
Q: Karen, you said your husband was your true love. If you you had the chance to be with your Live Wire again would you?
Karen: My live wire is still with his true love, and I wouldn't come between them for anything. Even if that were not true, I would rather live with Greg's memory than with anyone else in the world. I am where I belong, in the home he built, with the family we raised.
Q 2 to Jace is a very nice thought. As he is one of my favorite characters. :D yaya for Jace...
So I love all the Q & A, they are good. I just wanted to share. ENJOY.
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