My birthday is the 12th of May, mum has told me the only way that I can have a party is if I do it on a fairly good budget. In the up coming days I will be doing little blogs on how to make your own Vampuire decorations for a very low price.
Off to make little coffins.
This is a blog about books, as we all know every person has their own opinion and though, so here are mine.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
ANZAC Day, Lest We Forget!
What is ANZAC Day?
ANZAC Day – 25 April – is probably Australia's most important national occasion. It marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.
What does ANZAC stand for?
ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. The soldiers in those forces quickly became known as ANZACs, and the pride they took in that name endures to this day.
Why is this day special to Australians?
When war broke out in 1914, Australia had been a federal commonwealth for only 13 years. The new national government was eager to establish its reputation among the nations of the world. In 1915 Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part of the allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli peninsula in order to open the Dardanelles to the allied navies. The ultimate objective was to capture Constantinople (now Istanbul in Turkey), the capital of the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany.

Although the Gallipoli campaign failed in its military objectives, the Australian and New Zealand actions during the campaign left us all a powerful legacy. The creation of what became known as the “ANZAC legend” became an important part of the identity of both nations, shaping the ways they viewed both their past and their future.
Early commemorations
The 25th of April was officially named ANZAC Day in 1916. It was marked by a wide variety of ceremonies and services in Australia, a march through London, and a sports day in the Australian camp in Egypt. In London over 2,000 Australian and New Zealand troops marched through the streets. A London newspaper headline dubbed them “the knights of Gallipoli”. Marches were held all over Australia; in the Sydney march, convoys of cars carried wounded soldiers from Gallipoli attended by nurses. For the remaining years of the war, ANZAC Day was used as an occasion for patriotic rallies and recruiting campaigns, and parades of serving members of the AIF were held in most cities.
During the 1920s ANZAC Day became established as a national day of commemoration for the 60,000 Australians who had died during the war. In 1927, for the first time every state observed some form of public holiday on ANZAC Day. By the mid-1930s, all the rituals we now associate with the day – dawn vigils, marches, memorial services, reunions, two-up games – were firmly established as part of ANZAC Day culture.
With the coming of the Second World War, ANZAC Day also served to commemorate the lives of Australians who died in that war. In subsequent years the meaning of the day has been further broadened to include Australians killed in all the military operations in which Australia has been involved.
ANZAC Day was first commemorated at the Memorial in 1942. There were government orders prohibiting large public gatherings in case of a Japanese air attack, so it was a small occasion, with neither a march nor a memorial service. Since then, ANZAC Day has been commemorated at the Memorial every year.
What does it mean today?
Australians recognise 25 April as an occasion of national remembrance, which takes two forms. Commemorative services are held at dawn – the time of the original landing – across the nation. Later in the day, ex-servicemen and women meet to take part in marches through the major cities and in many smaller centres. Commemorative ceremonies are more formal and are held at war memorials around the country. In these ways, ANZAC Day is a time when Australians reflect on the many different meanings of war. (Is where the information is from)
I just wanted to share that, I find it so sad that we lose so many people in the war *sniffles* I always cry on the 25th of April.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
ILLUSIONS by Aprilynne Pike
*SPOILER ALERT* If you haven't read Wings or Spells, this does cover the basic plot points of both books.
I sooooo CAN'T wait until this book sis released... ENJOY!!!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Soul Screamers Q & A
This was on facebook today and I had to share. So This is a Q & A by Rachel Vincet the author of the Soul Screamers series. The Q & A gives readers and fans a chance to ask questions directed at their favorite characters. This is what you get... (click on the pictures for the link to amazon)

Q1: Harmony, do you blame Kaylee for Nash's addiction?
Harmony: No. I think there's enough blame to go around on that one, and I certainly bear my share. But pointing fingers helps nothing.
Q2: Levi, How did you become a reaper?
Levi: I died.
Q3: Sabine, what brought you to the high school that Nash and Kaylee goes to?
Sabine: *I* brought me there. You think I'd sit around and wait for that to happen on its own? Haven't you been paying attention?
Q4: Tod, will you ever tell nash [how you really died]?
Tod: There are many things I'd like to say to Nash--invisible eyes see a lot--but that isn't on the list.
Q: Nash, how much would you give to get [your memories of Kaylee] back?
Nash: I would give *anything* to get them back.
Tod: Too bad that's not an option...
Q5: Sabine, if [...] this whole situation were different, do you think that you might... even like [Kaylee]?
Sabine: I *do* like her. She's alive, isn't she?
Q6: Kaylee, Will you ever be able to forgive your dad completely?
Kalyee: For leaving? I already have. For family dinner Sundays? The jury's still out.
Q7: Brenden, will you ever tell Sophie how her mom died?
Brendon: I hope Sophie never finds out what really happened. She deserves better than that.
Q8: Nash, if you could go back in time, what would you change and why?
Nash: I wouldn't inhale.
Wow, Is it like really cool. I think that it is really good that readers get a chance to connect with the characters outside of the pages of the book. Just because a character doesn't not have a human body, dose not mean that they aren't real :D.
My family think it is weird when I talk to characters or as they think I talk to myself, If you read books you soon find you are never alone. You can create your own little worlds and different places. So I myself feel like I am never alone or with out amusment.
If you read a book once and think you have learnt everything that book has to offer your wrong, Read that book again and I bet you will learn something new.
So now I am going to work on a little project of mine, Making posters and a journal entry (in my twilight journals). So read another book and learn something new.
Q1: Harmony, do you blame Kaylee for Nash's addiction?
Harmony: No. I think there's enough blame to go around on that one, and I certainly bear my share. But pointing fingers helps nothing.
Q2: Levi, How did you become a reaper?
Levi: I died.
Q3: Sabine, what brought you to the high school that Nash and Kaylee goes to?
Sabine: *I* brought me there. You think I'd sit around and wait for that to happen on its own? Haven't you been paying attention?
Q4: Tod, will you ever tell nash [how you really died]?
Tod: There are many things I'd like to say to Nash--invisible eyes see a lot--but that isn't on the list.
Q: Nash, how much would you give to get [your memories of Kaylee] back?
Nash: I would give *anything* to get them back.
Tod: Too bad that's not an option...
Q5: Sabine, if [...] this whole situation were different, do you think that you might... even like [Kaylee]?
Sabine: I *do* like her. She's alive, isn't she?
Q6: Kaylee, Will you ever be able to forgive your dad completely?
Kalyee: For leaving? I already have. For family dinner Sundays? The jury's still out.
Q7: Brenden, will you ever tell Sophie how her mom died?
Brendon: I hope Sophie never finds out what really happened. She deserves better than that.
Q8: Nash, if you could go back in time, what would you change and why?
Nash: I wouldn't inhale.
Wow, Is it like really cool. I think that it is really good that readers get a chance to connect with the characters outside of the pages of the book. Just because a character doesn't not have a human body, dose not mean that they aren't real :D.
My family think it is weird when I talk to characters or as they think I talk to myself, If you read books you soon find you are never alone. You can create your own little worlds and different places. So I myself feel like I am never alone or with out amusment.
If you read a book once and think you have learnt everything that book has to offer your wrong, Read that book again and I bet you will learn something new.
So now I am going to work on a little project of mine, Making posters and a journal entry (in my twilight journals). So read another book and learn something new.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Cool Competition.
Autographed "Red Glove" by Holly Black up for grabs...
Shifter Q & A
This was on facebook today and I had to share. So This is a Q & A by Rachel Vincent the author of the Shifter series. The Q &A gives readers and fans a chance to ask questions directed at their favorite characters. This is what you get... (click on the pictures for the link to amazon)

Q1: Manx when will u say yes and marry Owen and how is baby DES??
Manx: I cannot answer a question that has not been asked. But I think he will ask. And then, I will answer.
Des is healthy and beautiful. He is sitting up now. And pulling hair. He smiles when Owen talks to him.
Q2: Jace, is there really any point in asking about the colour of your underwear when it's more likely you aren't wearing any?
Jace: You're right. That would be a pointless question. ;)
Q3: Faythe, who's the best kisser, Marc or Jace? I'd rather ask who's best on another level but I don't think I can say that here lol
Jace: How 'bout I answer that one...?
Q4: Marc, is there any part of you that is still not over the Faythe-Jace thing?
Marc: I wake up with her every morning. That's all that matters now.
Q5: Owen, plan on popping the question to Manx anytime in the near future? We're all dying for a wedding...
Owen: Great! Now she's going to think it was *your* idea!
Q6: Kaci are you gunning for a chance at jace now?? You know 18 is not toooooooo far away ;)
Kaci: I'm spending spring break with his Pride. And I don't have to be 18. Faythe was only 16 when she and Marc first--
Faythe. Eighteen! You have to be eighteen.
Marc: Thirty.
Q: Faythe, do you have any regrets?
Faythe: Of course. I regret keeping secrets. I regret hurting people I love. I regret not killing Dean when I first had the chance. My dad was right about that. But changing anything I did then would mean potentially losing everything I have now.
Memory is bittersweet. Regrets and what-ifs are pointless. I look forward. And I keep walking.
Q: Michael, it is possible you could "infect" your wife [...] it seems an option so you could have children. Has that occured to either of you?
Michael: I would NEVER intentionally infect Holly. Ever
Q: Karen, you said your husband was your true love. If you you had the chance to be with your Live Wire again would you?
Karen: My live wire is still with his true love, and I wouldn't come between them for anything. Even if that were not true, I would rather live with Greg's memory than with anyone else in the world. I am where I belong, in the home he built, with the family we raised.
Q 2 to Jace is a very nice thought. As he is one of my favorite characters. :D yaya for Jace...
So I love all the Q & A, they are good. I just wanted to share. ENJOY.
Q1: Manx when will u say yes and marry Owen and how is baby DES??
Manx: I cannot answer a question that has not been asked. But I think he will ask. And then, I will answer.
Des is healthy and beautiful. He is sitting up now. And pulling hair. He smiles when Owen talks to him.
Q2: Jace, is there really any point in asking about the colour of your underwear when it's more likely you aren't wearing any?
Jace: You're right. That would be a pointless question. ;)
Q3: Faythe, who's the best kisser, Marc or Jace? I'd rather ask who's best on another level but I don't think I can say that here lol
Jace: How 'bout I answer that one...?
Q4: Marc, is there any part of you that is still not over the Faythe-Jace thing?
Marc: I wake up with her every morning. That's all that matters now.
Q5: Owen, plan on popping the question to Manx anytime in the near future? We're all dying for a wedding...
Owen: Great! Now she's going to think it was *your* idea!
Q6: Kaci are you gunning for a chance at jace now?? You know 18 is not toooooooo far away ;)
Kaci: I'm spending spring break with his Pride. And I don't have to be 18. Faythe was only 16 when she and Marc first--
Faythe. Eighteen! You have to be eighteen.
Marc: Thirty.
Q: Faythe, do you have any regrets?
Faythe: Of course. I regret keeping secrets. I regret hurting people I love. I regret not killing Dean when I first had the chance. My dad was right about that. But changing anything I did then would mean potentially losing everything I have now.
Memory is bittersweet. Regrets and what-ifs are pointless. I look forward. And I keep walking.
Q: Michael, it is possible you could "infect" your wife [...] it seems an option so you could have children. Has that occured to either of you?
Michael: I would NEVER intentionally infect Holly. Ever
Q: Karen, you said your husband was your true love. If you you had the chance to be with your Live Wire again would you?
Karen: My live wire is still with his true love, and I wouldn't come between them for anything. Even if that were not true, I would rather live with Greg's memory than with anyone else in the world. I am where I belong, in the home he built, with the family we raised.
Q 2 to Jace is a very nice thought. As he is one of my favorite characters. :D yaya for Jace...
So I love all the Q & A, they are good. I just wanted to share. ENJOY.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Bookfest Day 1
11:55 I walked through the door into the indoor basketball courts to find so many boxes and tables filled and stacked with books. I asked the event manger if i could use feacbook promote the booksfest and she said yes...
The Page
The Event
Now the pictures, this it what it looked like once we have finished day 1.
The Page
The Event
Now the pictures, this it what it looked like once we have finished day 1.
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View from front left hand corner |
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View from the front right hand corner |
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View from the back right corner |
Now to the song that has my attention.
I even went book shopping today. I got 5 books of course I got them in the Australian covers but here are the links to amazon any way. Oh and I own books 1, 2, 4 & 5.
- Midnight Alley (Morganville Vampires, Book 3)
- Carpe Corpus (Morganville Vampires, Book 6)
- Fade Out (Morganville Vampires, Book 7)
- Kiss of Death (Morganville Vampires, Book 8)
- Ghost Town (Morganville Vampires, Book 9)
Now I will be off to move my new bed into my room and read my new books... :D
Friday, April 8, 2011
Library Therapy Cant Fix A Broken Heart
21 Items I have borrowed out of the library in the last week, you would think with all those books I would feel a little better. But nope, I hurt like hell when I see his name, all I want to do half the time is cry. I haven;t even read much in the last month. How can books lose there appeal to me?
Right now at this moment I don't want to go near the book-fest or my bookcase, right now I want to curl up and turn my music up all the way and just cry my heart out until I'm numb. So then I can't feel what I'm missing, I wont know when I'm lonely and most of all I wont have to face the day with the pain and hole in my heart. If only I could numb out all the pain.
I don't even think you know how much my heart hurts with out your love to keep it going.
My mum hasn't helped much, her bitching comments on how I have screwed up my life, how I'm such a bad role model and how I'm not perfect enough for you little made up world. And of course the consent reminder that I will never be good girlfriend/wife material, that one hurts the most.
But now I am off to plan my travels to and from the book-fest.

I don't even think you know how much my heart hurts with out your love to keep it going.
My mum hasn't helped much, her bitching comments on how I have screwed up my life, how I'm such a bad role model and how I'm not perfect enough for you little made up world. And of course the consent reminder that I will never be good girlfriend/wife material, that one hurts the most.
But now I am off to plan my travels to and from the book-fest.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Caboolture Lifelime Bookfest 2011
I have volunteered 8 days to this event, as you can read there will be 10,000 books and my mum has said I can not buy any more. So my plan of action is to go on a huge SHOP at the bookfest on the weekend when i can take a big handbag with me and do a BIG shop.
Of course it will be so much fun. I can't wait until I go there on the 13th and say "Hi I'm a volunteer" it will be so cool.
I even got to go the dentist today, apparently my wisdom tooth is infect and needs to be removed. NOT fun. So I has xrays done and soon I will get a letter to take to the city so I can get a specialist to remove it. OUCHY!
But until then, I have to go help my evil household manage the washing, apparently my washing machine is moody today. It's not the only one.
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