Difficulties is family and friends, but also picking which book to read first.
Multi-pulls is the fact that I spent at least an 30 minutes in each book shop picking which books to take and which to leave. It was hard but I only got three.
Confusions, would again be family and friends. I love my family and friends more that I can say, I love a friend to much and another not enough and it confuses me on how I can seem to get my self onto that situation and I only make it worse when confronted with it. *sigh*
Back to the books, I have three brand new amazing books they all have beautiful covers and a great story line yet I can not pick which one I want to read first. I put it out there for my friend to vote on facebook and there is only one hour left of voting and then I'll sit down and start reading which ever wins. Then on Monday I shall review it.
**********ONE HOUR LATER**********
(a) Darkest Mercy (Wicked Lovely)
by Melissa Marr
(b) Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres
(c) Glass Houses (Morganville Vampires, Book 1)
by Rachel Caine
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