Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Books, Books and Books and that totally equals heaven.

So today I am going to tell you all about the book-fest on Monday, but extra special fact it that Kath is here and going to blog as well.

Monday was fun, waking up at 3 in the morning to come back from camping and then getting home at 6. Than cleaning and unpacking my little bag passed the time until Miss Kath got to my place.

So we then head of to the book fest while trying to force ourselves to give each other a budget and NOT buy a MILLION books (which we did any way). As per usual we walked and people watched, funny things humans are.

We walk in the doors, and BAM it was like they knew us. Interesting conversation.

Man: Hello ladies, did you know it as fill a bag for $5
Us: *look at each other and evil grin*
Me: Really?
Kath: (i think there was a happy dance)
Man: I can sell you ladies a bag for $2
Me: Ill take 2 please
Man: *hands over bag*
Us: *run around crazy picking up books*

While looking at the paper back we found at least 25 copy's of The Davinci Code. Also as we all know Christmas is like 3 months away so I got my mum about 10 Danielle Steel books.

Kath disappeared to the kiddies section and spent most of her time there searching for goosebumps, The baby sitters club The baby sitters little sister and R.L Stine.

So after a little while there (about 2 hours) and 4 over filled bags later we decide to leave. That was a problem, the bus was a long walk up a hill to the bus and the bag were abut 10kg each. So we were smart and got a taxi. The not so smart part was how we put the books in the back, as soon as we turned the corner the all feel over and went every were in the back of the taxi.

Finally getting home, the next problem was where are we going to put them and for Kath how to get them to her house, those problems are both still around. Any suggestions???

Now we are off to try and find homes for our new piles of books.


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Forest of Hands & Teeth by Carrie Ryan

A simple red flower or leaf just sets of this cover, revealing nothing to what the book is about. A simple yet eye catching cover like this one will make the book buyer stop and discover the awesome world within the pages of this book.

Besides the cover the blurb is also mysterious, It gives you light into the book yet leaves you wanting to read more and find out what happen to Mary and the village she lives in. The blurb opens your imagination to what could be in this book love, loss, life and death.

Mary has to face battles and loss more than any one her age should have to, being surrounded by the forest of hands and teeth makes it all the harder. Losing everything she was raised with is hard, but having every truth you have ever known start to come apart is worse. Facing loss and death of every thing is bearable with love, but will it be enough for Mary?

In this book we follow the journey of Mary, she has everything to live for and mysterious ocean she one day wishes to find. But one day her world is turned up side down and her dreams are put on hold to help her friends while her ocean never leaves her mind.

This book was not what you think it would be, it was so much better. The story line of this book is well written and easy to follow. You felt the emotions and pain the characters did it was that good.

A really good book and one you should read.
4 / 5
I recommend this book ti all YA fans and people that like zombies. This book was not what I would normally read but I was quite taken with this series. I plan on reading the rest of the books.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Spellbound by Cara Lynn Schultz

The cover for Spellbound is set in a walkway of a castle, with the cover model having her back to us all we can tell is that she is blond and wearing a gown from the 17th or 18th century. This cover is beyond captivating and totally amazing.

“What is a girl to do when meeting ‘the one’ means she is cursed to die a horrible death?”
With an opening sentence like that the blurb is bound to draw in readers if the cover hasn’t yet.  A person must go buy the book and read it. This blurb just draws you all the way in.

Our main character would be Emma Conner a sixteen year old young lady that hasn’t had an easy life. Starting a new life is not easy while hiding her past. Going to a posh new school with rich and snobby brats doesn’t help. Friends are few but Emma can pick the loyal ones. New school, new life, new love and a love curse. Emma Conner has her hands full.  

Brendan Salinger is our male lead. Hot, rich and nice what more can a girl hope for. But this young man goes from hot to cold with out warning. But when the time comes can he prove his love and loyalty?

The start, the middle and the end of the book are all amazing, this book is so well written and beautiful. This book allows you to be taken away into another world and time.

This is a must read.
I highly recommend this book to all that love romance and YA. It is a really good book.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day Of Spring

Good bye cold and depressing winter and HELLO to a nice a beautiful spring. 
