So yesterday when I went Christmas shopping I didn't get much done sadly. I got a present for mum, dad and Amy but other than that I still have not a clue.
What I got while shopping yesterday.
1) A 1000 piece puzzle for dad
2) 2 packs of gummy bears for dad
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (Single-Disc Edition)
for amy
Nightshade: Book 1
For me :D
The Mediator: Grave Doubts and Heaven Sent (Mediator Bind Up)
For me again
That was it and I still have $40 left on my gift card but I still a few gifts I have left to buy.
So News, I have to drive up to Kilcoy this after noon and get Alisa and the kids and drive them down, as Brooke (Alisa's daughter) Broke her arm and Alisa has broken a bone in her wrist. So I am the driver :D
But until I leave to pick them up I am stuck doing house work. Well I should be doing house work but right now I can't be bothered.
I wrapped a few presents for our house mate, and then came back to my computer. I might be moving to Melbourne, Part of me is really excited and the other half nervous and really scared. Like moving down there would be really great and a chance to live with the love of my life and leaving behind the family I hate, the scary part is leaving the family I love. Life is confusing, but if my boyfriend moves I am going with him, if the offer still stands.
Now I must go and get ready for my one hour drive to Kilcoy and then my one hour drive back. I just remembered that Alisa and her 3 kids will be spending Christmas here, my first Christmas with out Steven (Alisa's oldest child/4 child) it will be lonely this year, I will miss him. It is sad what happened between him and Alisa.
Here is the low down, they had a disagreement. Alisa told Steven to leave he refused and garbed her arm and she twisted. Between the twist and his pressure she broke a small bone in her wrist. Now Steven is facing charges and is never aloud back there. So now I am missing my cousin/brother. It hurts to know what happened, growing up with him we were always close and there for each other but this time I wasn't there and it went to far.
There is a small chance he might come over to visit my house on Christmas day, I really hope he dose just so I can check if he is OK, he helped me through a lot of crap in my life I want to return the favor but I guess I was to late.
Well I must be off,
Things to do,
Potions to brew.
You know the usual
Keep Smiling and have a good Christmas.