Hey Readers
I finished my first book on friday night or abut then, today Ihave already started the second book in the series. I am already jumping in and working on the book. I have been researching more and more about the things I want to happen in the book, the exciment is awsome. I have even made a blog just for the books. I am so pumped. I love doing this. All I need it to send if off to someone. I wonder how that will go, wish me luck.
Keep smiing :)
This is a blog about books, as we all know every person has their own opinion and though, so here are mine.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Mum's Friend
Hey Every one
OK so mum has been talking for ages about her friend that was coming up. Well she is here finally. But now mum is bring up everything bad i have done while carol was gone. She is hiding behind her friend and it is crappy. Really crappy as carol is siding with mum and neither if them even care about my side of the problem.
I love carol like another mum but they can both be bitches, she got here yesterday. My mum is taking two day off work, oh great four days with her. Today we are suppose to be going on road trip and i am suppose to get my learners. I'm pissed, i had the money since my birthday and she hasn't gotten off her ass to take me but as soon as her friend is here is a different story. So happy i have a camera and my book to work on, i can escape her world and go to my own.
Mini Oreos are wicked cool. I got some when we went grocery shopping. They are so cute.
Ok now i have to go and do a fewa bit of household cleaning. Love you all.
Keep Smiling.
OK so mum has been talking for ages about her friend that was coming up. Well she is here finally. But now mum is bring up everything bad i have done while carol was gone. She is hiding behind her friend and it is crappy. Really crappy as carol is siding with mum and neither if them even care about my side of the problem.
I love carol like another mum but they can both be bitches, she got here yesterday. My mum is taking two day off work, oh great four days with her. Today we are suppose to be going on road trip and i am suppose to get my learners. I'm pissed, i had the money since my birthday and she hasn't gotten off her ass to take me but as soon as her friend is here is a different story. So happy i have a camera and my book to work on, i can escape her world and go to my own.
Mini Oreos are wicked cool. I got some when we went grocery shopping. They are so cute.
Ok now i have to go and do a fewa bit of household cleaning. Love you all.
Keep Smiling.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Cancer Battlers
Hey every one.
Today I did a bag thing for a very good reason, I lied to my mum so I could spend a day with my mother. It sounds odd I know,I don't live with the woman that gave birth to me, I live with the woman who adopted me.
I lied to mum about meeting a friend at the traistation when I was really going to a cemotherpy session with my mother, It was wrong and I know that but I also know I learnt alot from it.
Waking up at 5 this morning I got dressed and I was so excited about seeing mother after a year of seperation. By 6:30 I was at the station waiting for her to pick me up. I saw her and almost cryed. Her cancer treatment had taken all her hair, but her eyes told me she was still the woman I loved. It didn't matter what she looked like she was my mother.
We got to the hosptial at 7:30 and went straight to the cafe for coffee and breakfast, at 8 she had to have her blood tests, watching the painshe went through to get them done made me know she was strong. She has breast cancer so her tube they use to adminster the cemo and take blood is on her upper left chest. I watched as thy took two full things of blood. After they did that we had to go to her doctor that was at the hosptial. He talked to her for a while and gave her all her medication, there was ALOT. After we went there she had to get a xray to check is there was a clog in the tube that was in ehr chest. It turned out htere was so her cemo couldn't go in that way, they had to put it in her arm.
As she got it done, she killed my hand bescause of the pain of the neddle. I saw tears and she only made me know she was stronger. We started her treatment at 11:45 and it didn't finish until 5, I sat there by her chair, reading magazines and catching up on our lives. We missed eachother so we talked about everything but the important things like you alwasy do.
Of course I got busted for lying. I knew it was going to happen, I didn't care after I saw my mother. I knew now I had seen and touched her that she was going to be ok. Finding out she had breast cancer scaed the life out of me, I know she wasn't a perfect mother and but she gave me life and saftey. I knew if I lost her I would blame my mum for not letting me see her one last time, but today I knew I didn't have to worry.
Watching her get pumped with all the diffrent medications and bags of fluid stuff, She talked to all the other paitents. There were three new people today, a 83 year old lady sat next to my mother and they got talking as it was her first treatment. She was so nice we talked for her whole treatment, she left the same time as us. She asked tons of questions and Mother answered them all, she was nice and offered all the information she knew. By the time the treatment was over, I had seen the effects cancer can have on about 7 diffrent types of people, young and old. They were all so nice and strong. I understand cancer so much more than I did when I woke up today.
After spending 9 hours 24 minutes in the hosptial, we finally got to leave. On the way back to the station my mother had a break down. I wanted to cry with her, she was so sad and depressed. But she is my hero, she is strong and amazing. I love her.
To every one batteling or defeated cancer, you are all strong. You have all faced the hardship of cancer. You are all heros. And thank you for opening my eyes to what cancer is and what it can do. You all are my heros, please keep smiling for your healthy days will come again.
Thank you Prince Charles Hosptial for looking after my mother
Keep smiling.
Today I did a bag thing for a very good reason, I lied to my mum so I could spend a day with my mother. It sounds odd I know,I don't live with the woman that gave birth to me, I live with the woman who adopted me.
I lied to mum about meeting a friend at the traistation when I was really going to a cemotherpy session with my mother, It was wrong and I know that but I also know I learnt alot from it.
Waking up at 5 this morning I got dressed and I was so excited about seeing mother after a year of seperation. By 6:30 I was at the station waiting for her to pick me up. I saw her and almost cryed. Her cancer treatment had taken all her hair, but her eyes told me she was still the woman I loved. It didn't matter what she looked like she was my mother.
We got to the hosptial at 7:30 and went straight to the cafe for coffee and breakfast, at 8 she had to have her blood tests, watching the painshe went through to get them done made me know she was strong. She has breast cancer so her tube they use to adminster the cemo and take blood is on her upper left chest. I watched as thy took two full things of blood. After they did that we had to go to her doctor that was at the hosptial. He talked to her for a while and gave her all her medication, there was ALOT. After we went there she had to get a xray to check is there was a clog in the tube that was in ehr chest. It turned out htere was so her cemo couldn't go in that way, they had to put it in her arm.
As she got it done, she killed my hand bescause of the pain of the neddle. I saw tears and she only made me know she was stronger. We started her treatment at 11:45 and it didn't finish until 5, I sat there by her chair, reading magazines and catching up on our lives. We missed eachother so we talked about everything but the important things like you alwasy do.
Of course I got busted for lying. I knew it was going to happen, I didn't care after I saw my mother. I knew now I had seen and touched her that she was going to be ok. Finding out she had breast cancer scaed the life out of me, I know she wasn't a perfect mother and but she gave me life and saftey. I knew if I lost her I would blame my mum for not letting me see her one last time, but today I knew I didn't have to worry.
Watching her get pumped with all the diffrent medications and bags of fluid stuff, She talked to all the other paitents. There were three new people today, a 83 year old lady sat next to my mother and they got talking as it was her first treatment. She was so nice we talked for her whole treatment, she left the same time as us. She asked tons of questions and Mother answered them all, she was nice and offered all the information she knew. By the time the treatment was over, I had seen the effects cancer can have on about 7 diffrent types of people, young and old. They were all so nice and strong. I understand cancer so much more than I did when I woke up today.
After spending 9 hours 24 minutes in the hosptial, we finally got to leave. On the way back to the station my mother had a break down. I wanted to cry with her, she was so sad and depressed. But she is my hero, she is strong and amazing. I love her.
To every one batteling or defeated cancer, you are all strong. You have all faced the hardship of cancer. You are all heros. And thank you for opening my eyes to what cancer is and what it can do. You all are my heros, please keep smiling for your healthy days will come again.
Thank you Prince Charles Hosptial for looking after my mother
Keep smiling.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Sunday Fun!
Hey Readers,
So again another lame Sunday, I got my nails done last sunday and I can't get them redone for another week. I was supse to spend the day with my dad bu he had more important things to do. So my mum tried to make the day happy, didn't work. But we did go to the Woody Point Jetty. I got a few pictuers. Of me being stupid. My mum was like "you are weird" and im like "Kewlo" she just laughed at me after that. Other than that on my crappy day nothing else has happened. I plan to reach page 100 of my book tonight. HopefulyI will have it finshed soon.
Mum an I haveing a good time on the jetty. Hoping every one is having a good day. Now i better getback to my book it won't write its self. Love all my friends and family, I am spending the day tomorrow with my other mum, can't wait to see how she is, she is a strong woman living with breast cancer, Missing her as the days go by. She was the one who brought me into this world and i will forever thank her for it.
So again another lame Sunday, I got my nails done last sunday and I can't get them redone for another week. I was supse to spend the day with my dad bu he had more important things to do. So my mum tried to make the day happy, didn't work. But we did go to the Woody Point Jetty. I got a few pictuers. Of me being stupid. My mum was like "you are weird" and im like "Kewlo" she just laughed at me after that. Other than that on my crappy day nothing else has happened. I plan to reach page 100 of my book tonight. HopefulyI will have it finshed soon.

Love you all. Have a fun week.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Hey People...
So on Sunday I got my nail done my mum gohers done to. We hoepd in thcar and my auntie Ally asks if we want to move in with her, mum asked where and she said Woodford. My first thought was crap that far away, but after that mum and I talked about it some more. Now if we get the house we all want we will all be moving and going to Kilcoy State High School. I know I said I never want to go to school again but something this time feels right, like I have to move in with them. Steven and I are cousins and will both go to grade 11 next year, his younger sister Brooke will be in yr 9 and Dylan the second youngest will go to some primary school. The major ajusment will take a while to get use to, There is even a house arrangement in place. Steven gets the shed, Mum gets the garage, Brooke, Dylan and I all get rooms (I get the biggest as I am the oldest) d Ally and Katie(The youngest) Get the main bed room. Every time I see Steven we always talk about the school and how much we want this, We hardly want things but we know that this is what we must have to do. We know that if we go it will be difficult and we will always be anoing each other, but it will be fun and there is a small BMX track around the corner, where Steven and Dylan can ride and I can do my photography. All I know is I have to go. I just have to.
Anyway Keep Happy
So on Sunday I got my nail done my mum gohers done to. We hoepd in thcar and my auntie Ally asks if we want to move in with her, mum asked where and she said Woodford. My first thought was crap that far away, but after that mum and I talked about it some more. Now if we get the house we all want we will all be moving and going to Kilcoy State High School. I know I said I never want to go to school again but something this time feels right, like I have to move in with them. Steven and I are cousins and will both go to grade 11 next year, his younger sister Brooke will be in yr 9 and Dylan the second youngest will go to some primary school. The major ajusment will take a while to get use to, There is even a house arrangement in place. Steven gets the shed, Mum gets the garage, Brooke, Dylan and I all get rooms (I get the biggest as I am the oldest) d Ally and Katie(The youngest) Get the main bed room. Every time I see Steven we always talk about the school and how much we want this, We hardly want things but we know that this is what we must have to do. We know that if we go it will be difficult and we will always be anoing each other, but it will be fun and there is a small BMX track around the corner, where Steven and Dylan can ride and I can do my photography. All I know is I have to go. I just have to.
Anyway Keep Happy
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Happy Birthday Courtney.
I want to say happy birthday to a special cousin Courtney, I hope you had a great day. Getting a year older is fun, and you got cool presents. I hope everything gose the way you want and will see you tomorrow.
Love Lyra
Hey readers.
So today was Courtney's birthday party. She got upset when the parents started to chance the kids around and have fun, she wanted the day to be all about her and no one else. I never knew a family members to be so selfish. Every one was having a great time and she walked off and refused to talk to any one. Her mum is the best, she has a nail business, i am getting my nails done tomorrow. I can't wait I want to get them done black with silver lines or something. So now I told you about my excitement of the day.
My living arrangements have started to grow on my nerves, living in my aunties pool room is so not cool. I can't wait until I am older enough to build my own home it will be amazing. I have a plan mapped out and everything for my home all I need is the money and land.
I plan to be a famous author one day. I know my writng skill need improvement. I am working on that also I have found part time work I am hoping it turns into a trainee ship, little money but at least i can save for my car house.
Well I must be off now work to do and boos to study. I thank you for keeping in tune with my blog. Have a great week.
Love you all.
So today was Courtney's birthday party. She got upset when the parents started to chance the kids around and have fun, she wanted the day to be all about her and no one else. I never knew a family members to be so selfish. Every one was having a great time and she walked off and refused to talk to any one. Her mum is the best, she has a nail business, i am getting my nails done tomorrow. I can't wait I want to get them done black with silver lines or something. So now I told you about my excitement of the day.
My living arrangements have started to grow on my nerves, living in my aunties pool room is so not cool. I can't wait until I am older enough to build my own home it will be amazing. I have a plan mapped out and everything for my home all I need is the money and land.
I plan to be a famous author one day. I know my writng skill need improvement. I am working on that also I have found part time work I am hoping it turns into a trainee ship, little money but at least i can save for my car house.
Well I must be off now work to do and boos to study. I thank you for keeping in tune with my blog. Have a great week.
Love you all.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Finally Wireless
Hey People.
Finally I got my wirless internet hooked up. I was so happy when I loged onto blogger. So I have missed a month of blogs. Sorry. In that month i have started to do collage courses and find a small cash in hand jobs. I now live in a pool room and spend my days doing what ever I please. In my time at home i have started writing a book about witches, being a witch is helping my writing come along. Also my personal book collection is growing by the week I think i have over 150 books now. ANy way just checking in to say hi and i will post when i get home. Also i have a few more intresting pictuers i have picked up this month of weird things i have done or seen. Write to you later.
Lyra Jane
Finally I got my wirless internet hooked up. I was so happy when I loged onto blogger. So I have missed a month of blogs. Sorry. In that month i have started to do collage courses and find a small cash in hand jobs. I now live in a pool room and spend my days doing what ever I please. In my time at home i have started writing a book about witches, being a witch is helping my writing come along. Also my personal book collection is growing by the week I think i have over 150 books now. ANy way just checking in to say hi and i will post when i get home. Also i have a few more intresting pictuers i have picked up this month of weird things i have done or seen. Write to you later.
Lyra Jane
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