Day 2!!!
So be a girl I decided to ask where all the best shops are and I think i asked the right question. As i found out there was the GREAT but cute little shop about 5 minutes away and it had some of the cutest clothes ever. Then after we got home all we did was joke around with the cameras and take stupid photos and watch the DVDs of the collection of Alien. OK so there is boyfriend/ tazzie devil and then the glass of cordial.
Day 3!!!
OK So on day three I did not get any photos of anything, But we did walk down to the local Rosebud shopping center, but it was closed as it was Easter Friday. it was about a 30 minute walk which I much enjoyed. On the way back to the house we walked passed the small little shop and I found a great sale 3 items for $10 so trusting me I shopped. I got the 3 shirts and a nice hair piece. For the rest of day three my lovely boyfriend and I watch the rest of the Alien collection. I am still waiting for pictures from our lovely host. We got quite a few group pictures, they are all amazing.
Day 4!!!
So every day we spent down in Rosebud we walked to the shops, either the shopping center or the local shops owned by the lovely people of the town. Also got boyfriend to take me to the beach and I actually talked him into getting his feet wet.
Day 5!!!
As all we did day 5 was sit around and finish the Alien collection and start the Police Academy collection there is not really much to say. Except I love the Police Academy character they are all amazing.
Day 6!!!
Now onto the street art we saw. It was amazing I absolutely found it mesmerizing how they turned plain ground in a piece of artwork. I wish I could have kept it.
OK now more of the city.
Forwarding onto the memorial shrine.
Now the night life.
Day 7!!!
OK nothing exciting happened that day, we went and got wrapping paper for my mums gifts. Also I went and got a few post cards from the shopping center. Other than that all we did was watch movies.
Day 8!!!
After spending the day at home with J and D they decided that they will take us to see "The last song". It was sad. J and I even cried a few times, while the boys just sat there. We love our boyfriends so much.
Day 9!!!
Did nothing to exciting today, watched a few movies and we went to the local beach side shops and boyfriend helped me pick out a nice black maxi dress that only cost $6. He like it so now I need to find a occasion to wear
Day 10!!!
Again we had chips. Yet I still lost weight on our holidays. Before the chips we walked along the beach and i got a few pics. Please enjoy.
Day 11!!! DEPARTURE.
Today was a sad day as we had to leave to wonderful town of Rosebud. I knew I would miss it as much as I do. I miss the wonderful people I meet down there and one day I hope to call them family. So I would like to thank James and Kath for having us and Jacinta and Dlyan for putting up with us as takign us to the movies. Also thank you Jacinta for being my best friend down there I hope to go on more adventuers with you in the future. Thank you all guy for letting us vist you can not wait until next time. Here are quick pictuers I took before we left. Also a few ictuers of the cat that decided to visit on our last day, it was a great cat I loved it.
so that is my Melbourne trip I took with my boyfriend. Thank you again to all down in Rosebub. I love you all.